Level 3 Building Survey
A building survey is a comprehensive report on the existing building, its current condition, and its likely future maintenance requirements.
It is designed to tell you exactly what you need to know to protect yourself against defects and items of disrepair that may not come under a general building insurance policy.
This survey is presented in an easy-to-understand format, and all our surveyors offer a free follow-up service to talk through their findings with you.
A Building Survey includes;
A thorough inspection and detailed report on a wide range of issues
A description of visible defects and potential problems caused by hidden flaws
An outline of repair options and the likely consequences of inactivity
Results of damp testing on walls
A Building Survey does not include a valuation, but we can provide this as a separate extra service.

Often called a "Full Structural Survey", a building survey is a comprehensive report on the existing building, its current condition, and its likely future maintenance requirements.
It is designed to tell the purchaser exactly what they need to know to protect themselves against defects and items of disrepair that may not come under a general buildings insurance policy.
The survey is presented in an easy-to-understand format, and our surveyors throughout South Yorkshire have a free follow-up service to talk through our findings with you.
"What protection do I have?"
All firms regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors are required to have professional indemnity insurance and a formalised dispute resolution process. Our Chartered Surveyors in Yorkshire strive to provide the best service you can buy for your money, but in the unlikely event of a problem arising, you are guaranteed to be taken seriously.
"Why do I need a survey?"
A property survey is necessary, in order to protect you when purchasing a property.
A property survey will provide you with information including any possible defects, thus allowing you to make an informed decision before committing to your purchase.
There have been many instances in the past and they still happen today, where property buyers have been caught out by hidden defects unknown to them before purchasing their new property, only to discover the unknown faults after it was too late and found themselves having to pay an unwanted bill for repairs that could go into the thousands.